Central Florida Slips, Trips & Falls
The impact of a slip and fall can lead to serious injuries and sometimes even death. Slip and falls cause 16,000 deaths per year and are the second leading cause of all injuries. Many of these accidents happen because of improper maintenance, poor design or negligence on the property owner’s behalf. Generally the law requires that reasonable care must be taken by the property owner (or the party responsible for maintaining the property) to make sure visitors are safe. Slip and fall accidents are common occurrences in restaurants, supermarkets and even in parking lots. This type of fall can result in multiple injuries and can require extensive medical care which can result in overwhelming medical expense.
You have a right to compensation for your injuries, medical costs, lost earnings and even pain and suffering if it can be determined that the fall was caused by the negligence of the property owner or some other party.
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, first seek medical treatment for your injuries. As soon as you are able, fill out a report at the place the slip and fall occurred, then have someone take pictures to document the accident scene (these are both important to preserve evidence). As soon as you are able, contact Hayworth & Chaney, PA at 321-253-3300 for a free evaluation of your case. Calling quickly is important as it enables us to preserve evidence that may be lost with the passage of time. We are here to protect the injured and get you the compensation that you deserve.