Florida Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Nursing home neglect and abuse occurs when a loved one is injured because of a nursing home’s failure to take proper care of your loved one. It is usually difficult to discover this neglect or abuse, but the signs of abuse can surface in many different ways such as observing physical signs such as untreated bed sores, open wounds, bruising suggestive of restraints, torn clothing, excessive and sudden weight loss, fleas, lice or the odor of feces or urine. You may also see that the staff has suddenly changed medications, cannot account for the whereabouts of the resident, are not allowing family or friends to visit with the resident alone, or the staff lacks the ability to explain the resident’s condition.
The best way to discover neglect or abuse is to communicate directly with your loved ones and visit them frequently at various times throughout the week so that the staff cannot anticipate your arrival.
If you or your loved one has been injured as a result of a nursing home abuse or neglect please call toll free in Florida at 877-727-0502 for a free case evaluation.